Our AI Assistant will help you to find highly-relevant hashtags based on your caption! We’re still Flick, and we still love hashtags! (and we know you do too!) Using AI + Our extensive Hashtag tools, we’ve incorporated a Hashtag Suggester into our AI Caption Generator.
How to Use
  1. Create your Caption in Flick’s AI Content Lab
  2. Click ‘Hashtags’ In your Caption Edit tools
  3. This will open a whole list of carefully suggested hahstags based on your caption.
  4. Select what you want and insert!
We’ve also added all the metrics you know and love too, so you can pick the hashtags which are most suitable for your account!
This is Version 1 - Let us know how you’d love to see this improved!
Future Versions:
We’d love to include better ways to make these suggestions more in line with your account size & saved filters. We’re working to add better filtering to hashtag suggestions.